Parcial 3

ITEM 1-Writing Assignment 

Diana Stephanie Fernandez Lozano
Academic English
Miss Thompson
November 4, 2013

Each semester I am under a so much of stress and a lot of pressure because of the exams. Every one of the students of Tecnologico de Monterrey has to take six tests in four different periods each semester. It depends on how many subjects you have registered, but according to your major it has to be six subjects per semester. Every time I am in evaluation week it is a total chaos for me and for my family. When I am in this week I cannot sleep well, I cannot eat well or even perform my normal daily activities because of the pressure I have. In this week I feel the necessity of studying at least eight hours per day and this makes me feel very tired. I even get physically sick. Normally I feel very weak, with no appetite and I usually lose weight. My family cares about me because they see me in a high stress level and they know this is harmful to my health in the long term. They seek to support me in everything I need to make me feel better. They try not to make noise while I am studying, they don’t disturb me, and they allow me to postpone my activities at home, but in addition they also seek to give me vitamins to recover my energy. I cannot handle the stressful situation in which I am constantly. I always try to breathe for relaxing myself even for a moment, but I also try to organize my time doing the homework before the test week. Another thing that helps me to not saturate myself it is to forget what I’ve studied for the subject after the exam, in order to start studying a different subject with an empty mind. I feel that I cannot do too much to improve the situation in which I am because I cannot study with anticipation for the exams because the daily tasks are very heavy. 

I have learned in this period a lot of punctuation rules in this language. The way in which I can learn and improve my skills is seeing my mistakes in the written work. This is really necessary to see what is wrong and what is right to improve my skills in this course. I need to focus specifically on the dots because I realize that I have problems with the way I end the sentences. I will be more careful when I write in this language in order to improve my skills. I will try to connect only two clauses in one sentence. I will make that with a lot of practice and dedication. 


ITEM 2- Oral Presentation

I have learned a lot about famous people. I learned how they became famous and what they do now. I liked to be Angelina Jolie because I think she is a very strong and dedicated woman who helps other people that are in a poor situation with her money. I don’t like to expose in public but I consider it necessary to improve my skills. When you expose you lose the fear. You have the possibility to improve your speech. We need to have more activities like this because it is helpful for us. I will try to breath when I have an exposition. 



Diana Stephanie Fernandez Lozano
MATRICULA: A01370391

Description of activity
Your reflection and Significant learning
­­November 14, 2013
Read a New York time article
Holiday Movies: “What the Well-Dressed Warrior Wears”
The text in the news uses a easy vocabulary. It is easy to undestand what the author mean. It was Interesting because it is explained how the custumes were designed acoording to every actor in the movie.

New Vocabulary:

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